Moving Forward Together: Unity for Health for All
Building Better Together
- Innovations in Health Professions and Education
- Telemedicine
- Virtual Education
- Lessons learned from the COVID-19 Pandemic
- COVID-19 responses
- Artificial Intelligence
- Health Research
- Evidence-Based Solutions
- Quality Improvement Systems
- Intersectoral
- Multidisciplinary
- Complex Systems
- Appreciative Enquiry
- Partnership Pentagram
- Positive Systems Change
- Knowledge Transfer/Sharing Knowledge
- Education
- Health Policies
Harmony for a Healthy World
- One Health & Ecosystem Approaches to Health
- One Planet
- Respect
- Break the Mold
- Community Trust
- Environment
- Nature
- Mutuality
- Climateand other global changes
- Health for All Species
- Pluralism
- When it comes to Health, good Ideas have no Borders
- Interprofessional and Intersectoral Collaboration
- Innovative Cities
- Knowledge in Action
- Etc.
Social Responsibility: Healthcare Conducted Where People and Place Matter
- All Marginalized Populations
- Otherism
- Migrants & Refugees
- Rural & Remote Healthcare
- Social and Environmental Justice
- Women’s Health
- Ageing Society
- Social and Ecological Determinants of Health
- Towards Safe Healthcare and Wellness for All
- Access to Healthcare
- Universal Healthcare
- Healthcare should have an Impact on the Communities
- Etc.
Learning with Indigenous Peoples Towards Advancing Equity & Wellbeing
- Sustainable Health
- Setting the Table for Reconciliation
- Alliances with Indigenous Peoples
- Indigenous Health
- Indigenous Food Systems
- Circumpolar Health
- Nordicity
- Community Power and Resilience
- Indigenous Health & Wellness
- Indigenous Food Sovereignty
- Indigenous Self Governance
- Community Strength and Resilience
- Etc.
Now Accepting Abstracts
The Network: Toward Unity For Health (TUFH) commits to drive communal interests by supporting local change agents toward the adoption and implementation of global policy recommendations. TUFH concentrates its efforts on practical tools and solutions that achieve action by local change networks.
For TUFH 2022 we will be accepting abstracts in International English.
We are encouraging French presenters to submit as they can present Oral Presentations in French (your abstract and poster have to be in English, to allow all participants to understand your work).
There is a 250-word limit. The conference formats are chosen to encourage active participation by all conference attendees. The conference program will predominantly be based on contributions from the participants.
Since TUFH 2022 will be a physical conference with a virtual component, you will have to choose in your application if you wish to present your abstract in person in Vancouver, Canada, or virtually. Workshops will only be accepted in a physical format, all other abstract types can be presented virtually. Abstracts that will be presented in person will receive priority in the abstract acceptance process.
We strongly recommend attending the TUFH 2022 conference in person, but for those unable to travel, we will provide the opportunity to participate virtually.
Abstract submission opens October 18th, 2021.
Submission Deadlines:
• Oral Presentations – February 28th, 2022 – CLOSED
• TUFH Talks – February 28th, 2022 – CLOSED
• Workshops – February 28th, 2022 – CLOSED
• TUFH Documentaries – February 28th, 2022 – CLOSED
Read our tips for submitting an abstract for TUFH 2022.
Submit Your Abstract
You will need to create an account to submit and revise your abstracts.
You can use the same account as for TUFH 2020/TUFH2021, if you previously submitted an abstract.
Abstracts Guidelines

Oral Presentations
Oral Presentations allot 5 minutes to present your work with a poster for visual effect followed by a facilitated discussion among presenters and conference participants. The moderator will invite participants to ask questions and to share experiences pertinent to themes brought up in the presentations. At the conference, contributors and participants will meet in groups of about 40 persons for two-hour sessions.
The Network: Towards Unity For Health is very proud to host the 2 hour-long oral presentations and discussion where students and professionals can present their work using a poster for visual effect. Usually, the presenter has worked on this project for 1 or more years. They will present the timeline, agenda, goals, results, difficulties, implementation possibilities,… The discussion is guided by a moderator who will also facilitate future collaborations based on the projects that the presenter has presented. During the 2 hours thematic session the presenter will present and answer questions. The projects are on different topics and can be in different stages (research project, running project, concluded project, or study). The presenters of Oral Presentations are key to the Scientific value of the TUFH2022 conference. It’s their projects that attendees of the TUFH2022 conference come to learn about.

Workshops are instructional sessions in which presenters teach and discuss particular skills and techniques. The session should accomplish specific learning objectives designed to provide participants with increased competence in some area of importance to the conference theme and goal. The session should include opportunities for practice and feedback. When this is not possible, the session should include a discussion of the covered skills applied in the participant’s settings. Workshops are 2 hours long. Workshops have an average of 20 participants

TUFH Talks
TUFH Talks is a format, akin to a Ted Talk, where participants give short, powerful talks (3 minutes) that share projects, policies, collaborations, or initiatives in which health, education, or other sectors contribute to a healthier society. They are followed by a facilitated discussion among presenters and participants.
The number of participants will be restricted to allow for adequate presentation and discussion time; those who are not selected for TUFH Talks will be considered for Oral Presentation sessions.
For an example of a Ted Talk, check out our own Art Kaufman!

TUFH Documentary
A documentary should reflect your ability to use audiovisual equipment to communicate your topic’s significance. The documentary category will help you develop skills in using photographs, film, video, audio, computers, and graphic presentations. Your presentation should include primary source materials and also must be an original production. To produce a documentary, you must have access to equipment and be able to operate it.
Your documentary focus should be related to the local community and showcase local action. You must present and submit your documentary under one of the 4 subthemes of TUFH 2022.
Your documentary has to be a minimum of 5 minutes and a maximum of 10 minutes (including introductions and credits).
You must submit an abstract where you clearly describe what the documentary focus will be (deadline February 28th).
If your abstract is approved, you will have to upload your documentary to YouTube and send the link to secretariat@thenetworktufh.org by May 15th at the latest. Your documentary will undergo a review by the Scientific Committee to give final approval to present at TUFH 2022.
During the TUFH Documentary Session, each presenter will be allowed a maximum of 10 minutes where the documentary will be shown followed by a facilitated discussion among presenters and conference participants. The moderator will invite participants to ask questions and to share experiences pertinent to themes brought up in the presentations. At the conference, contributors and participants will meet in groups of about 20 persons for a two-hour session.
For an example, please view here.
How to Submit Your Abstract
Here is the step by step video for TUFH 2020 that will take you through the abstract submission (it is the same for TUFH 2022).
Abstracts will be reviewed by members of a Review Committee. The following minimum criteria will be used:
- Adherence to submission instructions
- Relevance to the conference theme and goals
- Potential for engaging participants in meaningful discussion
- Clarity of writing
Upon review, members of the Committee will assign one of the following results:
- Accepted
- Accepted in another format
- Rejected
NOTE: Identities of authors will be concealed from the reviewers during the review process. There will not be a re-review process this year.
You will be informed of the status of your abstract by March 31st, 2022 at the latest. Early abstract submitters may receive their status prior to this date.
Please be informed that all presenters must register and pay in full before the conference begins.
If you have an accepted abstract, you acknowledge and agree that The Network: TUFH, the organizing committee of this conference, and sponsors of this conference may edit and publish in any of their digital or printed communications or publications, including but not limited to, websites, social media outlets, newsletters, annual reports, and promotional materials; the information provided including but not limited to the full abstract, your name, co-author information, pictures, and institutions.
Come unite with global health leaders, capturing their passion, and an ongoing commitment for global equitable health. Join the Network: TUFH as an institutional or individual member.
Please contact us with any questions or inquiries and we will respond as soon as possible.
Email: secretariat@thenetworktufh.org